
Skyline Energy Team Grows Their “Mos” for Movember Charitable Initiative

November 5, 2019 Press Releases

Skyline Energy Team Grows Their “Mos” for Movember Charitable Initiative

November 1st, 2019 – Guelph, ON

The month of November is about to get a little hairier at Skyline Head Office as the Skyline Energy team has committed to growing their “Mos” in participation with the Movember global charitable initiative for men’s health.

Skyline Energy is one of the newest companies under the Skyline Group of Companies umbrella. The Skyline Energy team purchases and manages clean energy assets for the Skyline Clean Energy Fund, a sustainable alternative investment product offered to investors through Skyline Wealth Management, the exclusive Exempt Market Dealer for the fund.

The Skyline Energy team will be letting their moustaches run rampant until the end of November, in an effort to raise awareness and funds to help tackle some of the leading diseases affecting men, such as prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and mental illness.

The team is accepting fundraising donations toward this worthy cause. Donations will help fund over 1,250 men’s health projects and organizations in 20 countries.

The Skyline Energy team encourages others to participate in this great initiative to support men’s health. Aside from growing facial hair, there are several other Movember fundraising initiatives as part of the campaign:

  • The Movember “Move” initiative – a fundraising challenge to move 60km in one month, to raise awareness for the 60 men lost to suicide every hour of every day
  • The Movember “Mo-ment” initiative – a fundraising challenge to host a “Mo-ment” event of your choice, while raising awareness for men’s health

Be sure to check back for an update on the progress of the Skyline Energy team’s “Mos!”

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