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Myth-Busting Biogas: Common Misconceptions

Biogas is one of the most promising forms of clean energy production in the battle against climate change, but it can be prone to some misconceptions. We’re breaking down some of the common myths around biogas and why they are false. Myth #1: Biogas is a new clean energy technology. The process of using organic [...]

All About Biogas Series: Fueling Global Climate Change Combat - Article #1

Skyline Clean Energy Fund Purchases Biogas Facility

[Guelph, ON – August 24, 2021] On August 24, 2021, Skyline Clean Energy Fund (the “Fund”) purchased its first biogas clean energy asset. The 2.85 MW/DC1 biogas facility, located in Elmira, Ontario, was originally developed and built by Woolwich Bio-En Inc. (WBEI). Skyline Clean Energy Fund purchased an 80% stake in the facility for $43.2M. [...]